“Women lie as easily as they breathe
It’s the second nature of them ”
Now there was a slight trace of humour
and the harshness had softened slightly.
She surprised herslf with a laugh
at the abrupt change ofcourse,
and settled herslf with a sigh
and apologized sadly for her love.
As she rushed in and closed herself
Loneliness is what she felt
..in her own land….alone in a strange city.
hmm…God knows why ???
Oh..! the awful silence at the valley at my land.
Its her misfortune to meet him in this spring…!
The dark eyes absorbed her as she talked..
Its nice to talk to some one in own language
She couldnot remember,ever talking any one before.
“you are living under my roof
with your future in me ”
Flapping a hand in front of her mouth
he wokes her up…..
Well..Iam glad ,I amused you
I must go to bed now…
Slightly,she got out of bed
With bare foot…slipped in to the darkness..
I prefer to take holidays alone these days…..!
loneliness like loneliness, however some time seeks someones presence again subconscious mind re-think and re-analyze, that will leads to this kind of lie..