It is so different from the world Iam living..
in tired of dreams and memories..
I decided to write to my friend.
Dear Ann,
your letter has come to my hand.
First before I say what must be said
let me tell you that..
you are still in my thoughts.
if you never recieved a letter from me before and again..
..know that ,in my heart I write for you every day.
yaa....every thing goes well..
The night hours in my small home is sweet.
I try not to look at the clock..
as it is useless to watch and wait for the sleep.
I have learned to go late to bed
but,I rise early now a days.
I have made this schedule,
engaging myself for next semester.
My helper is a clever young girl
so bold and quiet with many ideas.
I missed the spring last year..
and the rain poured so heavily.
the dusty storm,that occured was bitter
..the most severe I have ever known.
The gold fish is dying in the pool..
although I have tried to keep the water fresh.
Oh,no hard feelings..
If I cant make it...just try..wait..and see.
The maid went her home last month
Iam finding difficulty in finding another.
All I do is run and drip in to dreams
wishing every fall is the last one to remember.
I face a long lonely Summer...!